Friday, December 31, 2010
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Kitchen before (Hello, 1990s vinyl!)

Monday, December 13, 2010
Another Exciting Announcement!
I found out this weekend that I'll be teaching two classes at Art Unraveled in Phoenix, AZ in August 2011!
I'm teaching the Birdy on a Branch class and the License to Create class.
The schedule isn't posted yet, but it's going up very soon (this week, I think). Keep your eye out... http://www.artunraveled.com/
I woke up this morning thinking my wish really is coming true. It kind of blows my mind a wee bit. :)
Friday, December 3, 2010

AND, I'm sending the License to Create license plate box class too, but you've seen that once or twice. :)
Monday, November 15, 2010
An Exciting Announcement!

I'm super excited! If you're in the area, I hope you can come! Oh heck, even if you're not in the area, I hope you can figure out a way to get there... we're going to have so much fun!
Post soon about the workshops I'll be teaching... Stay tuned!
Friday, November 12, 2010
Well this is just a pity.
For those of you who asked about my medical test last month, THANK YOU very much for your kind comments and concern. I was having some testing done because my left arm wasn't feeling right (there's a funny in that, I know) and my left cheek kept twitching. In the end, the doctors and tests couldn't find anything wrong with my arm. I've been trying to pay close attention to how I sit and lean on my left. I think it's helping some, but that arm still feels kinda funny and my cheek twitches like crazy when I'm stressed (a lot lately) or tired (a lot lately). At any rate, it looks like only time will tell on this one.
I'm working on some workshops for a surprise announcement. Stay tuned!
Monday, October 11, 2010
I need to...

Edited moments later to add: So when I created this, I was thinking about my art, and that I just need to be brave about the whole thing because I know it will all turn out for the best in the end. Actually, I saw the word "travel" upside down and somehow misread it to read "be brave." I thought that was an important message from my subconscious :), so I made this little collage. Then as I was loading it onto the blog, I remembered that tomorrow I have to go to the neurologist for this exam where I guess they poke little needles into you and send electrical pulses into your muscles. And I then decided that this Be Brave message was just something I needed to hear on more than just the art stuff.
Just thought you might be interested in how this quick collage came to be.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Up and Down

I felt like I needed a reminder that I can still do this. Even if it doesn't feel all that possible right now. I will find a way to make my art dreams happen.

Saturday, September 25, 2010
Thursday, September 23, 2010

Monday, September 20, 2010
I made something.

Note to self:
You created something. And that is good enough.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
This might be part of the problem...

Monday, September 13, 2010
I'm submitting some things you've seen before, but at this point, even that requires celebration. Here's what I sent:
License To Create
A license plate treasure box.

Birdy on Branch
A mixed-media, art journaling birdy standing proudly on her branch.(Detail)
We'll see what happens!
Friday, September 10, 2010
Still Here & Still Swamped
Ok. Done with that.
Now on to my current art dilemma. I want, want, want to get my workshop applications in for Art Unravelled, but the deadline for applications is September 15th. I've been trying very hard to get to it, but many, many 10 to 14 hour work days + a two year old who wants her Mama (+ a Mama who wants her two year old who is extra funny and sweet and cuddly lately) are making that very difficult. SOMEHOW, I will pull it together.
One of my challenges for doing workshop applications is that you have to think about submitting about a year in advance of the actual event. That's a heck of a lot of thinking ahead. Another event, Artiscape, is due today. I just don't think that's going to happen no matter how much I want it. My "I can do anything! I can do it all!" mentality is kind of being squashed lately. I still know (like my last post said) that this will pass. But in the meantime, it's a struggle.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Can I tell you a secret?

"Old" collage with message I need to hear. Oh yeah, and I'm posting "old" art because new art just isn't happening right now.
What IS happening right now is that I'm going through a time of complete upheaval because my job is taking over my life. There's no breathing room, no thinking room, no peace. NO ART.
I have to think this is only temporary. My sanity REQUIRES me to think this is only temporary. If I've learned anything over the years it's that these kinds of upheavals don't last forever. There has to be a break. I'm just trying to keep it together until that break appears. I'm trying to be nice to myself and keep all the other pressures to a minimum wherever I can. Which isn't easy. But I'm going to keep trying.
Friday, August 20, 2010
Artfest 2011: Register! It's not too late!

And direct links to my classes:
Teesha opens all of the registrations at the same time on September 3rd, and then starts placing people into classes until they fill up. And they do fill up! :)
Even if you're not signing up for my class, I'd love to know that you're going to Artfest! One of the best parts of the event is meeting everyone.
EXCITED!!!!! Don't miss out on THE event that truly changed my life. Hope to see you there!
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
There and Back Again: The Art Booth Experience

I would have loved to have met Bill Saling, but I'll have to settle for reminding other people of him.
Ok, so finally... the booth. I'm a little hesitant to show you because it didn't turn out quite as I had planned. Oh, and the photo I managed to take was after a larger piece sold (the white empty board in the back left) which left a gap. I took down the that piece of pegboard after that and put some small paintings on the black shutter. It would have been nice to have down at least the back wall to have a white background, but it was tooooo hot. I had to take advantage of whatever breezes were coming through to cool down.
Overall, I did ok with sales... there were ups and downs, and overall I would have liked to sell more, but for my first show, it was ok.
Mainly I learned:
- A lot about what I need to think about for having a booth on a hill. I really hadn't planned for that, and it threw everything kind of out of whack
- I need a better way to create wall space too while also planning for the curveball from being at an angle.
- I need to put something more "impactful" visually on the front of the booth. Some of the vendors had signs you could read from two miles away. Ok, maybe only one mile away.
- Oh, and did anyone know that August is hot? :) We did get to sweat a bit. Probably didn't hurt me to lose a few pounds of water weight.
- I need to spend more time figuring out if an event is right for me. It's kind of hard to tell, so maybe it will be a trial and error for the first year. I did get some helpful advice about events where I might fit in from some people who visited my booth.
People had interesting comments:
Most of the people who stayed for a bit had very nice things to say. Here are a few of the nice things I heard: Clever, talented, fun, happy, whimsical.
Here are some of the things that I'm still working on interpreting: Different, strange, and never seen anything like this before. I'm going to take all of those things as a compliment for now.
In other art related news:
1) My wish to teach at an Art & Soul event might not be over after all. We'll see...
2) I got an invitation today to exhibit at the Oglebayfest in Wheeling, WV at the beginning of October. I'm working to figure out if I'm going to do it or not. It has mainly been a crafts event in the past, but they're working to make it more of an arts event. I probably fit somewhere in between (Artsy Craft? Crafty Art?) , so it might work for me, but I still have concerns that I might not fit in.
In other only somewhat related news:
1) I got a promotion to manager. My first day was yesterday. This is somewhat related to my art because it probably will mean I'll have less time for it. Instead of spending my lunch hour creating art, I'll probably be in a meeting. We'll see...It's feeling a bit overwhelming right now, but I'll wait to let things settle down a bit.
2) I have a lot of travel in the next couple of months. The upside is that I'll get to see friends - especially my dear friend Lea who is pregnant and has another wee one that I haven't met yet. Can't wait!
Monday, August 9, 2010
This morning...

Sunday, August 8, 2010
Some of today's work...

A message to me + you
I'd be fibbing if I told you I wasn't a little stressed about the art fair preparations. So many projects going on at the same time, but none of them finished. I'm trying to keep my wits about me and remind myself to just keep moving ahead. In the past, I've let myself be paralyzed by huge projects, and then I found myself rushing at the end to get it all done. I've been trying to tackle all of the art fair work at a pretty steady pace, but it still feels like a lot. Whenever I felt the urge to run away from it, I just find at least one manageable task to do that keeps me moving forward towards my goal. Here's how my brain works now:
Me in panic: Feel frustrated about a creative-type project?
Me in response: Stuff greeting cards in envelopes or some other mindless task that has to be done.
Me in panic: Back aching because I've been bent over a project for too many hours?
Me in response: Sit on the couch and doodle in the art fair coloring book I'm working on.
Me in panic: Completely out of ideas?
Me in response: Look through sketchbook for five minutes and get inspired.
Me in panic: Want to run away or just take a nap to ignore the huge pile of work?
Me in reponse: Walk in art room and pick just one small thing to do. One small thing leads to working on twelve things, and voila, work gets done!
As long as I'm moving forward, I'm pretty sure it's all going to turn out in the end.
Five days left and counting... Back to work! :)
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Only as high...

Repeated some quotes that I seem to be addicted to. They just ring true to me. Whenever I feel like I don't know where I'm going, if I read one of these quotes, I get back on track.
The quotes don't read quite right... I probably would have done them differently if I was doing it again, but then... it was more the process of writing them down for me than about the final piece. I might have to make a "how to read this painting" accompanying note for this one. :)
Happy dreaming to all of you!
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Who needs to eat anyway?

Something Different

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Monday, August 2, 2010
And the countdown begins...
That means there's a whole lotta stuff going on around here. We set up the new tent canopy over the weekend and figured out how I'm going to hang stuff for "walls". Now, it's time to just keep cranking out work whenever I can!

- License plate boxes
- Birdies on branches
- Birds on eggs
- Greeting cards
- Journals
- Prints
- Paintings
- Chess boards with pieces
And if I get super productive:
- Mixed media poker chip necklaces
- Art journal kits
- Painted muslin stuffies
The hardest part for me to figure out is the pricing. If anyone has any suggestions, let me know!!!
Friday, July 30, 2010

Another animal with wings. They seem to be calling to me. :) This gal needed some extra encouragement to fly, so she got some balloons too.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Doesn't Look Like Much Yet...

Canvas + Heavyweight cardboard/tagboard + Heatnbond Ultrahold iron-on adhesive + Gaffers tape (7gypsies in this case) = A quicker than quick journal! I just ironed on the adhesive to a piece of canvas, placed down the tagboard, folded over the canvas so the tagboard was enclosed, and ironed away. I cut off the extra canvas and put the gaffers tape over the raw edges.
Now I just need to sew in the three signatures, and I'll be done!