OH MY! So much has been going on that I am getting further and further behind on posting. I'll try to catch up. So here are a few more photos from
Inspire My Life. We had so much fun in the lettering class too. Lettering is quite possibly my favorite thing to do... the ladies seemed to enjoy it too.
Kristi trying out some different styles. She's a doodler too!
Judy showing off her work!

After Wisconsin, I hopped a plane to Phoenix for
Art Unraveled. I wasn't sure exactly what to expect, but as usual, the mutual love of art was a common bond. The first class I taught was the
Birdy on a Branch class. Katie, Shannon, Renee and Liz were so much fun to hang out with! Check out their awesome birdies!
Katie and her sweet birdy! Katie is a landscape designer and put that to use making a home for her bird. Can you see all the little rocks she made from paper clay? So fabulous! She was definitely a natural on this project.

And I have to mention that sweet
Liz (below) emailed me a question prior to class and then was so kind as to offer her home as a place to stay and to drive me around! We had a really lovely time getting to know each other. Thank you so much Liz! (Aren't art people amazing in their generosity?!?! LOVE!) And she made a colorful purple birdie with a fun, funky hat!
Renee wouldn't let me take her photo with hers... :) BUT... I did get this shot of her birdy on display. Renee pushed the boundaries and drilled a big hole in her box for the branch to go through which I thought was an AWESOME idea. (I had another one of my "why didn't I think of that" moments!) Loved the snap eyes too!

And here is
Shannon and her wonderful birdie. Don't you love the colors she used?! And the eyes she hand painted were so perfect for her bird. Love her style! AND check out her name badge... wish I had gotten a better picture, but it was so cool in person.
Everyone was so much fun, and we had a great time getting to know each other.
So here's a
secret... so when class sign ups are lower, at first I get a little bummed. Only because I'm trying to do this artist as a job thing (bigger classes = more money at the end). BUT... then when I'm teaching a small class like the birdy class, I'm just thrilled at how much fun it is to teach a small class. We get to hang out, chat, and create. SO... don't tell my hubby (cause he likes money), but I won't be sad if my classes stay kinda small for a while. :)
Coming up next... License to Create class at Art Unraveled, then Journaling Journey at Paper Cowgirl!