Another animal with wings. They seem to be calling to me. :) This gal needed some extra encouragement to fly, so she got some balloons too.
The first page:
I repeated a quote that I used on my license plate box because I really like the quote, so I wanted it in my journal.
Left side of first double page spread:Right side of first double page spread:
Left side of second double page spread:
Right side of second double page spread:
Here's Ginny... "working" hard. :) Loved sitting in front of you, my dear Ginny. I didn't get a photo of Susan... She sat next to me creating in her colorful journal for three days. And survived, I might add. :)
Part of the class busily working away while Teesha gives some advice in the background.
Left side of third double page spread. Only borders here... thought I'd show you the page before I get any further on it. I'll try to post the final page when I create it.
Right side of third double page spread. Also just barely started.
Ok, back to work for me!
When I have time, I've been creating greeting cards and small paintings for the art fair. OH, and the 10' x 10' canopy I ordered for the art fair booth arrived while I was at class. YAY!