In my opinion, the best part about Artfest is the people. It was so inspiring to be around all of those creative, friendly, open people and to be lucky enough to enjoy the Artfest experience again. It was different this time - a lot more work, a little less play - but still amazing.
My brain is kind of headed in several directions these days with where I'm headed next and all the things that I want/need to do. I'm trying the one-step-at-a-time approach... if only I were more patient!
And a couple of blog posts by other artists that have me thinking...
- In Carla Sonheim's recent post about Artfest, she wrote that we might feel a bit down after the excitement and activity of Artfest. Boy, am I feeling that.
- And then in a non-related Artfest post by Kelly Rae Roberts, she quoted from Marianne Williamson's book... a quote about how it's not that we fear that we're inadequate... we fear we are powerful. Really thinking about that quote too and trying to figure out how to let loose and be confident in myself.
And today my boxes from Artfest arrived back home. Glad to see all my stuff made it back. Not sure where it's all going to go though. OHHHHH, and this directly fits into an upcoming post about all the lessons I learned during my first time teaching.

Even more posts coming about Artfest... I hope you can stand it. Want to show you the awesome trades from this year and then some lessons learned. OH, and then a post about the fun I'll be having next and some exciting announcements!
bring it on girlfriend!! Dying to hear more...