Welcome to my blog, One World One Heart neighbors!
Thanks for stopping by!
My name is Shelly Massey, and I'm excited to be participating in this event for the first time.
I currently live in Middletown, Ohio, but as an adult, I've also called South Carolina, Kansas and Washington (state) my home. I'm an artist, but also a workshop instructor, a wife, a mama to a two and a half year old daughter, and a manager and senior analyst for a software company based in Washington state.
In 2011, I'm realizing some big dreams. I'll be teaching at at least three art retreats - Artfest, Art Unravelled, and Art Is. And I'm even working on setting up a couple more for this year! It's been quite an adventure so far... one that has stretched me quite a bit, but it's been worth it.
I hope you'll leave a comment to let me know you were here. At the end of the fifth and final One World One Heart party, I'll be giving away the following package to THREE people randomly selected who comment on this post.
The prize package:
- An art print of my original collage
- A collage paper pack of vintage papers
- A copy of my original coloring book of doodles (fun for all ages!)
- Two of my original greeting cards
Here are two of the art prints I'm giving away. (The other one is at the top of this post.)

Thanks so much again for stopping by! I plan to make it around to all of your blogs to say hi too!
Happy One World One Heart Party to you!
Happy exploring!