Sunday, September 16, 2012


Well, for those of you who visit, you may have noticed that I've been missing from the blog for a bit.  We had several crazy weeks in a row that threw us off of our game.  And as soon as things settled down, well, we started up something new.  Something huge.  I can't quite share details yet, but I hope you'll send some positive thoughts our way.

On a personal level regarding Harper's hearing - For those of you who sent a note or good thoughts, thank you!  We are still waiting for the CT scan results, but I will give you an update when we have one.


  1. Sending you prayers and good vibes.

  2. Sending LOTS of positive thought and well wished your way. I can't wait to hear what the big news is! xo

  3. Dying to hear what is going on in your life! It's a move to Northern California, isn't it? Right? C'mon! You know you want to!!! (ART IS YOU is not going to be the same without you!)

  4. Looking forward to seeing what you are up to my friend!!!!!!! Been seeing your posts on FB. We need to catch up sometime!

    Sending hugs!!!!!


  5. Hoping it's good news! Fingers crossed! xo

  6. Passei aqui, vi, li e adorei esse blog. Parabéns pelo bons textos e pelo blog. Deixo o meu blog e aguardo a sua visita.
