Thursday, July 8, 2010

What's going on here?

"What's going on here? What's going on here?" That's what my daughter Harper says when she's in a silly mood and while she spins around in circles.

SO, here's what's going on here... I'm trying to produce enough work to put together an art booth at a fair in August. My husband Doug turned over his office so I could have some more space to spread out and "get 'r done". I haven't even taken time to really settle in, I just threw some tables in there and got started. I'm addicted to turquoise, chartreuse, and raspberry right now. Oh, and orange. I can't seem to get enough orange lately. Especially with a punchy blue.

I was feeling overwhelmed by the quantity of work to do, so I found my trusty chalkboard and wrote down some goals. I'm hoping to exceed them!


  1. good luck shelly! I hope you accomplish all your goals. You are so passionate about your art & that is wonderful.

  2. Lookit you! All organized and on a roll there! I love it! I wish you would come over and organize me! LOL. I can barely get into the Studio and that makes me NOT want to (or even attempt) to get in there and create. You will "get r done", I'm sure. Stay on that roll friend!


  3. It's so fun to see you whizzing about with so many projects and goals and ideas and beautiful things about you! It's quite exciting to come by and see what you're up to. I would be spinning around just like Harper trying to check it all out at once!

  4. You will exceed your goals...especially if that list is staring at you all day :) We have faith that you can do it!

  5. oooooooh It's so inspiring to look into your creative space here filled with all those yummy, yummy art supplies!

    happy crafting!

    ciao bella
    and yes, turq, char, and pinks are my cup of tea right now!

    creative carmelina
